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  • Roskilde Festival

    29 Jun - 6 Jul 2024

    We still have free seats on the bus from Roskilde, choose “Retur” / “Return” next to the destiation city.

    Göteborg 545 SEK
    Varberg 500 SEK
    Falkenberg 500 SEK
    Halmstad 400 SEK 
    Malmö 300 SEK

    Roskilde Festival is one of Europe’s most iconic music festivals and an experience you won’t soon forget. With a diverse line-up that spans multiple genres and artists from around the world, it’s a festival that attracts visitors from all over the world.

    The festival takes place every year for a week in June/July and is known for its unique atmosphere. With over 100,000 visitors each year, there is always something to see and experience. The festival area is large and has several stages, food and beverage areas and camping sites.

    Roskilde Festival also has a unique philosophy of giving back to society. The festival is run by a non-profit organization that works to support social projects around the world, and all proceeds go to charity.

    So if you want to experience one of Europe’s most iconic music festivals and at the same time make a positive difference in the world, Roskilde Festival is the perfect choice for you. Buy your tickets now and get ready for a week full of music, party and love!

    • Search for prices and times by selecting the departure point below.
    • We do not sell Festival tickets for the Roskilde Festival.
    • Due to extreme queues on arrival and return, we have chosen to change our arrival location to Burger King, Motelvej, which is approx. 900 meters to Östra camping. In recent years we have stood in line for over 1.5 hours every year and this is the better option.
    • Contact Roskilde festival, and your group can book a campsite